If You Could torch 10+ lbs of fat, Ditch The belly & Become LEAN (fast) Just in time for summer...

without Spending Every Spare second on the treadmill



This 42 day program will lead to a wardrobe full of new t-shirts from the large amounts of fat lost.

I speak to so many blokes over 40 who feel building a lean physique is something only guys in their 20s and 30s can do…

They’re worried their metabolism has slowed right down, and there’s no way to combat it.

They think building muscle is impossible, and they’re destined to get weaker and weaker as the years go by…

And that they’ll have to make do with simply “fighting off aging”.

Which means instead of trying to lean down and build a physique they’re proud of…

They settle into a sedentary lifestyle.

Which only makes them feel even more lethargic, flat, and unmotivated.

Yet, there are guys out there in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s who are sculpting a lean body that most guys in their 30s are jealous of…

And they’re doing this using one simple system…

My burn fat faster method

A system designed for men over 40 who want to look better naked…

For men who want to build muscle, drop belt sizes, and feel proud of the man in the mirror.

For over 11  years I’ve been in the trenches helping men feel their best, and have changed the lives of hundreds in the process.

Want to kick off your own success story? Just in time for the warmer weather ? 

What We Achieved

My simple system is designed for men over 40 who want to look better naked…

For blokes who want to build muscle, drop belt sizes, and feel proud of the man in the mirror.



Join THE 6 WEEK FIT FOR SUMMER SPECIAL today and you’ll…

Shrink the man boobs, and beat the belly

Never have to worry about getting your photo taken again

Stop spending a stupid amount of hours on the boring cross trainer each week

Reclaim your self-confidence start feeling masculine & strong

Ditch that ugly big baggy t-shirt at the beach this year

Get into shape with like these awesome men, just in time for Summer

Here’s what you get inside …

12  Weeks worth of results inside just 42 days

Me taking control of your training & nutrition programme – Zero guess work for you

Complete support & accountability so no one gets left behind

A Meal plan that doesn’t cut out all your favorite foods

A Meal plan that doesn’t cut out all your favorite foods

A training programme that suits your current ability (gym, home or a mix)

What We Achieved

The 6 week fit for summer special is for blokes who want to

but who it’s NOT for

frequently asked questions

A: Nope, we have a home workout version, but do advise you join a gym for best case results

A: Yes, there will be an opportunity to join my flagship program “The better bloke project” at a radical discount to get even better results

A: This program is non refundable once started, but I stand by my service and will help you achieve mind blowing results (If you do your part)

A: It’s best to fire me a direct message first so we can discuss the severity of your current injury. Based on the condition I can let you know how much of an impact it might make on your progress.


Results may vary, yours may be better, may be the same, or may not be as good. The images of my clients above are legit clients and men who I’ve helped transform. Most of them achieved their results after 90 days from my flagship program, as FIT FOR SUMMER is a brand new mini version. Your results may not be as dramatic, but you can easily shift 10+ lbs of pure body fat on fit for summer.

Copyright ©2024


Check these results from Simon . 10lbs down in just 21 days